Texas Social Security Disability Blog

Local Disability Attorney

Top Reasons to Hire a Local Disability Attorney 

Struggling with a disability that impacts your ability to work can be difficult, but you don’t have to search for solutions alone. If you’re considering applying for Social Security disability benefits, working with a local disability attorney can provide you with much-needed support when navigating the complicated application process.  Additionally, local disability lawyers like Merryl […]

disability lawyer

A Guide to How Chronic Pain is Evaluated in Social Security Disability Claims

Chronic pain and discomfort can be very hard to deal with in the workplace, which is why many suffering from chronic ailments seek assistance from Social Security disability benefits. However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has quite strict regulations when it comes to what types of disorders qualify claimants to be eligible for benefits.  Merryl […]

A Social Security Disability Attorney Discusses Common SSDI Conditions (Part 2)

Have you been injured, or experienced a crippling disease, which has left you unable to work for at least 12 months? There’s a good chance you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits to help pay for your daily life. The application process is tricky, and a great Waco Social Security disability attorney can help […]

What Social Security Disability Conditions Will Qualify For SSDI? (Part 1)

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a program intended to help people who have become disabled and are unable to work a normal job for at least 12 months. It provides financial assistance for as long as the person needs, either until they have recovered, or potentially for the rest of their lives if their […]

Debunking Common Myths About Social Security Disability Conditions and Work

The purpose of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is to provide living benefits to people who have become unable to work due to injury or disease. If someone has a qualifying Social Security disability condition and passes the review process, they will typically be able to receive funding for as long as they need it […]

What Conditions Are Likely to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a part of the Social Security system, specifically intended to pay living benefits to people who have become unable to work due to injury or disease. Most people who have worked at least 5 years out of the last 10 while paying into a Social Security account can potentially […]

Disability Benefits

Understanding past-due Disability Benefits and SSI

Living with a disability can be challenging. One of the critical resources to help manage this challenge is disability benefits provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA). These benefits can significantly ease the financial burden for individuals dealing with impairments that affect their ability to work. If you’ve recently been approved for disability benefits, you […]

Social Security disability lawyer

Social Security Disability Conditions: Can You Receive SSDI For Depression?

One question that Merryl Jones – Second Chance Lawyer often hears is: “Does depression count as a Social Security disability condition?” And in many cases, the answer is YES! It is one of the Social Security disability conditions. Clinical depression is recognized as a form of disability, so qualifying individuals may be able to receive […]

Social Security Disability Lawyer texas

A Waco Social Security Disability Lawyer Answers Your Questions!

No one knows better than Second Chance Lawyer – Merryl Jones how complicated the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) system can be. As one of the top Social Security Disability lawyers in Waco, she has spent 25 years helping people understand SSDI and get the benefits that they deserve! So, in this article, we wanted […]

social security disability lawyer

Can I Receive Disability Benefits & Social Security Retirement Simultaneously?

Did you know that you can apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) even if you’re collecting early retirement benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA)? It’s true. However, it can be a complicated process, which is why Second Chance Lawyer – Merryl Jones is here to shed some light on the details and clarify […]