Social Security Claim Denied? Here’s What to Do

If your Social Security Disability claim was denied, don’t worry. You’re not alone. In fact, about two-thirds of all Social Security Disability claims are denied on the initial application. Many people don’t know what to do when their claim is denied, but don’t worry – we’re here to help. Here are some of the reasons your claim might have been denied and what you can do to start your denied Social Security disability appeal.

Technical Approval

There are a few factors that determine technical approval for SSDI, which is based on whether you have enough work credits. If you’ve worked long enough and paid into Social Security, you’re likely eligible for benefits – but if not, your claim will likely be denied. Usually, you must have worked for five of the previous ten years before your alleged onset date, also known as an AOD.

Concerning SSI, this is a needs-based program.  You will have to qualify to apply based on income and resource limits as set out by the program. Single people should have no more than $2,050 in assets and resources (excluding a car and home). For married individuals, the maximum is $3,075. These assets and resources are classified as bank accounts, retirement accounts with or without investments, margin brokerage accounts holding stocks or bonds, and property including land that is owned by the applicant.

Medical Eligibility

This is the most common reason for denied claims. The SSA will review your medical records to see if your condition meets their definition of a disability. Unfortunately, many people don’t have the right kind of documentation to show that their condition meets this definition.

To get approved, you’ll need to make sure that your medical records clearly state the severity of your condition and how it limits your ability to work. The SSA will also evaluate your disabilities based on how you respond to treatment.

Appealing the Decision

If your claim was denied, don’t give up. You have the right to appeal the decision.  Many people who appeal their denied claims are ultimately approved if they have the right representation. The appeals process can be long and complicated, but it’s worth it if you’re approved.

Start Your Denied Social Security Disability Appeal Today with Merryl Jones, Second Chance Lawyer

Don’t let a denied Social Security claim keep you from getting the benefits you need and deserve.  Merryl Jones  knows how to appeal denied claims and get her clients the money they’re entitled to. Contact us today for a free consultation for your denied Social Security disability appeal!