Texas Social Security Disability Blog

5 Important Questions to Ask During Your Initial Consultation with a Disability Lawyer

Sufferers of disabilities often feel overwhelmed when navigating medical examinations, court hearings, and other processes required when applying for Social Security disability benefits. Hence, many individuals seek out legal representation to ensure a smooth process and a higher chance of a positive outcome. Unfortunately, not all SSDI attorneys are the same and clients often find […]

Questions During a Disability Hearing - Second Chance Lawyer

Ways to Successfully Answer Questions at Your Disability Hearing

Speaking in front of a judge is intimidating enough without the added pressure of knowing your answers to their questions could determine your access to benefits. For this reason, claimants should arrive at their hearing prepared with useful information and enough practice to answer the judge’s questions successfully. Fortunately, there are a few tactics that […]

The Benefits of Hiring a Social Security Disability Firm in Texas

Finding the right social security disability law firm can sometimes be an overwhelming process. During your search, you will inevitably find some nationwide firms along with local lawyers and firms. In this post, we wanted to highlight the benefits of choosing an in-state option, and how Merryl Wash Jones’ firm can help you. Three Reasons […]

Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits in Texas - Second Chance Lawyer

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits in Texas – All You Need To Know

If you’ve recently become disabled and are unable to work in Texas, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Receiving these benefits can immeasurably improve your life by reducing your need for income, allowing you to focus on healing and recovery. These are some of the most frequently asked questions about applying for Social […]

Attorney to Appeal Social Security Benefit Denial - Second Chance Lawyer

Do You Require an Attorney to Appeal a Social Security Benefit Denial ?

You’ve worked hard your entire life and now it’s time to reap those benefits by receiving the Social Security disability benefits you’re owed. However, not everyone will find it so easy to receive their disability benefits when they apply. There’s a chance you could be denied Social Security with a disability appeal , forcing the […]